Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thanks for Making the 201st Upload Special

Hello again Fans!

I'm very happy to say that the 201st video upload was a great success. There were many submissions of messages, and I am very thankful that you all could have been a part of it! So thanks for everything, you have been wonderful supporters for the past two years.

The video was sent to Paul Walker via Twitter this afternoon... and I'm VERY happy to say that he had the rare opportunity to watch! It makes it all worth while, I'll tell you that much. He pleasantly sent a shout out for all that contributed... he Tweeted:

"WOW!!!... that's about all I can say...thanks a TON for the kind words and for all the support in the vid for @VagrantTV"

Congratulations fans! You all deserve it. And I thank you too, from the bottom of my heart, for supporting me and allowing me to continue to do this. It's been a fun ride!

I hope to upload more videos shortly... no exclusives, just a few fun web clips for you to enjoy.
Be good, and stay tuned!


To watch the video, "Your Fans Say Hello, Paul Walker" click here.